Qualitative Reasoning Worksheet 2

1. 3:27 :: 5: ?
  a) 25        b) 125         c) 25            d) 30

2.  Frequently: Always:: Seldom: ?
   a) always     b) never      c) sometimes       d) something
3. Glucose: Carbohydrate :: Soyabean: ?
   a) Proteins    b) Vitamins       c) Minerals        d) Legumes

4. Import: Export :: Expenditure: ?
    a) Deficit    b) Revenue     c) Debt      d) Tax
5. Origami: Paper :: Ikebana : ?
    a) Trees     b) Theatre       c) Flowers       d) Tapestry

Coding- Decoding

1. If TOM = 48 in addition to DICK = 27, thus HARRY = ?
a) seventy             b) 67                c) l                d) 46

2. In a for sure code SOBER is written equally RNADQ. How LOTUS volition live on written inwards that code?
a) MPUWT    b) KMSTR         c) LMRST         d) KNSTR

3. If the discussion PORTER tin live on coded equally MBNZQN, how volition VOTES live on written inwards the same code?
a) NQMNBZ   b) NQMBNZ      c) NBQMNZ     d) NQBMNZ

4. In a coding system, PEN is written equally NZO in addition to BARK is written equally CTSL, how tin nosotros write PRANK inwards this system?
a) CSTZN     b) NSTOL     c) NTSLO      d) NZTOL

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