5 Maths Gems #110

Welcome to my 110th gems post. This is where I part some of the latest news, ideas together with resources for maths teachers.

1. TES Author
When nosotros did the latest circular of TES Maths Panel reviews, my swain panelist Damian Watson discovered the wonderful costless resources of TES writer cparkinson3. This author's PowerPoints are actually good designed - they are slick together with professional person amongst neatly animated worked examples addition exercises amongst solutions.


For instance cheque out the ii lessons on volume of prisms - i for Foundation tier together with i for Higher tier.
This resources on curve sketching is excellent.
I actually similar the bar modelling lesson too.

Check out the full collection. I've added them all to my resource libraries.

2. Vectors inward Transformations
There's been some updates to BossMaths including changes to their Geogebra applets. The rotations applet instantly lets you lot exhibit together with shroud tracing paper. You tin move also move vectors equally an choice to using tracing paper. I similar this thought - I honour using tracing newspaper a chip unsatisfactory thus I volition endeavor vectors adjacent fourth dimension I instruct this.

The here.

3. SATs Support
I know this is a chip belatedly for Year half-dozen teachers because SATs are adjacent week, but these resources mightiness live on helpful to teachers of other twelvemonth groups, together with to Year half-dozen teachers adjacent year.

Mr Morgs (@_mrmorgs) shared a PowerPoint explaining the linguistic communication used inward the KS2 Maths SATs. This follows on from his detailed analysis of bear witness language. This is actually interesting together with comes amongst lots of advice for teachers. I promise that i twenty-four hours individual does a similarly detailed analysis of the linguistic communication used inward GCSE maths exams.
Greg Chantler (@gregchantler) set all Key Stage 2 SATs arithmetics questions together inward a PowerPoint together with split upward them yesteryear curriculum year. Each query comes amongst word prompts.
4. Defend Yourself
Amie Albrecht (@nomad_penguin) shared a novel thought for an activity. Students are assigned to a representation or method together with bring to endeavor to explicate why it's best. I recollect this would prompt rich word together with thinking.
5. Shifting Times Tables
This action from Miss Konstantine (@GiftedBA) provides a actually clear representation of linear sequences equally 'shifting times tables'.
Here nosotros tin move run into the 4 times tabular array (4n) highlighted inward the outset row, together with thus nosotros run into that the times tabular array has been shifted downward yesteryear i inward the mo row, pregnant the nth term of the sequence is 4n - 1. I dearest the visualisation here. Check out Miss Konstantine's regularly updated blog for lots of corking maths activities together with resources.

My weblog has been receiving tape issue of visitors inward the final twosome of weeks. I estimate a lot of people are using my GCSE revision resources page and my late published post on Foundation revision resources.

I've late uploaded ii sets of revision mats to TES. I made these at piece of job when I realised it's hard to honour suitable resources for students who are working at a Grade 1 or 2. Most GCSE resources are inaccessible to them, together with this tin move effect inward disengagement together with sometimes bad behaviour. So I made A3 revision mats that are to a greater extent than accessible, together with spell I was doing that I made similar resources for other classes. So in that place are 4 levels of difficulty. You tin move download these resources here:

I also made some Foundation workouts which are especially 'print budget friendly'.

GCSE exams are but circular the corner now. Don't forget that final twelvemonth I made breakfast revision resources for all 3 exams. These tin move live on used either on the morning time of the exams or inward the lessons leading upward to them. 
Last calendar week I published yesteryear 5th Annual Gem Awards. Do cheque it out if you lot missed it thus you lot tin move run into all the best gems of the year.
Congratulations to Emma McCrea on the publication of her novel majority 'Making Every Maths Lesson Count'. This is an first-class majority for maths teachers.

Here are another things you lot mightiness bring missed:
  • In 2017 I published a post on approaches to answering AQA GCSE ratio questions. It's i of my nearly pop posts amongst over 20,000 reads. I've instantly made a lesson to accompany this post.
  • Adam Boxer (@adamboxer1) shared a post on observing proficient teaching which includes an 'expert teaching observation form'. I contributed to this post yesteryear testing the shape out inward a maths lesson.
  • Richard Tock (@TickTockMaths) published a issue of novel lessons including some on indices which depict a lot of ideas from my Topics inward Depth CPD. Check them out on his blog
  • One of my Year 11s was flummoxed yesteryear rotational symmetry final calendar week thus I used the FlashMaths rotational symmetry tool to exhibit him how it works. This has been roughly for a real long fourth dimension thus I was surprised that a lot of teachers on Twitter hadn't seen it before.
Don't forget that in that place are a issue of events inward the summertime term that are instantly opened upward for booking (see my events listings here). I volition live on presenting at researchED Rugby 2019, the Complete Mathematics Conference, the MEI Conference and the Kent together with Medway Secondary Maths Conference. Speaking of events, I also bring something a chip dissimilar to denote before long - lookout this space.

I'll move out you lot amongst this video on why null is the naughtiest together with nearly of import issue from BBC Ideas.

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